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Your 1-Sentence Value Positioning Statement: A Simple Formula for Getting Introduced to Quality Prospects
By: Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE
Have you ever had a client ask you, "What should I tell others about you?" And did you have a very simple answer for them? An answer that they would remember and be effective enough to compel someone to want to meet you?
In this complimentary eGuide, Bill Cates offers a simple formula for developing a way for others to introduce you to quality prospects in as few words as possible.
About Bill Cates
Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE is the founder and CEO of Referral Coach International, a Hall of Fame Speaker, business coach, and best-selling author of 4 books - Don't Keep Me a Secret, Get More Referrals Now, Beyond Referrals, and Radical Relevance. Bill is also the host of the highly acclaimed Top Advisor Podcast.
Over the last 25 years, Bill has helped thousands of individuals and companies cultivate exponential growth in their businesses through referrals, introductions from advocates, and more compelling marketing messaging.
Interested in speaking with Bill? Send him an email to [email protected] or connect on LinkedIn.